” Decent Work”
“Campaign The Promotion of Decent Work in the Fishing Sector”
Mar 29th
About The Event
“Kampanye Promosi Kerja Layak di Sektor Perikanan”
“Campaign The Promotion of Decent Work in the Fishing Sector”
Transnational dimension and jurisdiction challenges: fishing can happen within or outside territorial waters . Countries – referred to as coastal states* in these cases – exercise full sovereignty over the territorial sea or territorial waters , and sovereign rights for the purpose of managing fisheries resources within their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ*) , and can prohibit or authorize fishing vessels from fishing within these zones. International waters – referred to in international law as high seas* – are the remaining areas and represent 64 per cent of the ocean surface. In areas of the high seas, States have a duty to cooperate with each other. This is done mainly through the establishment of regional fisheries bodies or organizations*. The main responsibility of these regional fisheries organizations is to establish conservation and management measures to ensure the sustainable use of fisheries resources . Flag states* play a critical role as they must effectively exercise their jurisdiction and control over fishing vessels entitled to fly their flag to ensure they comply with international conservation and management measures and with national applicable labour standards and also ensure they respect human rights. More than 95 per cent of marine commercial fishing currently takes place within territorial waters